Our Company
The Mercatare Trading Group (abbreviated as Mercatrad) connects selling product producers with buying and reselling partners across the globe. We identify products with the potential to add value in untapped foreign markets, set up the supply chain and maximize product sales.
Our offices are located in the Netherlands, Turkey and South Korea. Our team of business experts has unique market insights and experiences. This enables us to care for every step involved: product identification, contract preparation, logistics set-up, localized marketing, sales support and more.
The name Mercatare originates from the Latin present participle with the same name, meaning ‘to trade, to traffic or to deal in’, which is exactly what we do.
Our Vision
As merchants, we introduce products to international markets. We find hidden gems and unlock hidden potential in other countries. Our role extends beyond procuring and reselling goods. We have the expertise and experience to optimize every step in the chain, including compliance, logistics, legal affairs and marketing. This helps suppliers and resellers to maximize their potential.
We believe in long-term relations, based on trust and mutual benefits for everyone in the chain: from original producer or manufacturer, to the end client or consumer. Our goal is to be productive and profitable, but also inspiring and pleasurable to work with.
Who We Are
We at UpScale are dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc finibus fermentum nibh, tempor venenatis mi unparalleled performance.
Our Performance
To optimize the entire chain, we divide our work into clearly distuinguished phases. In every phase, our global expert team collaborates with every stakeholder involved. The result is optimized business in every step.
Pellentesque sed interdum eros. Aenean condimentum est eu lorem accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur posuere tincidunt mi, quis consequat sem tincidunt ut. In feugiat urna ac finibus auctor.
Sed rhoncus egestas lectus egestas finibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce non ultrices nisi, non feugiat nisi. Curabitur cursus neque vel lobortis finibus. Nullam quis consequat justo.
Integer tristique congue ex sit amet tincidunt. Nulla vitae arcu fringilla, fermentum arcu malesuada, mattis ante. Sed in erat quis turpis consequat scelerisque sed id est. Etiam gravida tellus in mauris.
Vivamus vitae purus et nibh sodales lacinia pulvinar quis magna. Suspendisse sollicitudin pretium suscipit. Curabitur lacinia mollis iaculis.
Vestibulum ac eros semper, vulputate tellus gravida, porttitor orci. Curabitur convallis tristique elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Our Expert Team

Matt Higgins
Tasha Ingram
Benefits Analyst
Flora Wilson
Fundraising Officer
Robert Chambers
Job Analyst
Geoffrey Hayes
Campaign Fundraiser